Fashion tips...

Are you stuck in a fashion rut?Do you ignore current fashion trends and consider style to be something that comes with fame and money.If you already have this mindset,then you need to change that. Do you go for the same safe styles and colors when out shopping?You really need to come out of your comfort zone and try something new.I used to be very choosy when it came to colors but that changed because I got to know that its fun and exciting to always try something different.People shouldn't be used to seeing you wearing just one particular style,it's good to explore.....Try something different. Being stylish has nothing to do with your size,it is about making the most of your size.Feel confident about the way you look and that will get across to other people.Whether you are a size 6 or a plus size,be proud of your size.Some people tell me that Motola you are too slim but I don't ever let that get to me.Yea,i'm a size6 and i'm proud of it.


Unknown said…
Nice make-up
Anonymous said…
I like ♥
Anonymous said…
I like....

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