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Hi guys, I am going to share my pregnancy journey with you. The first four months of my pregnancy wasn't funny, I was so sick that I couldn't eat anything without throwing up. It was so bad that I was always in bed; I was just too weak.
In my second trimester, I started feeling so much better. At this point I had moved to the US. Here, there is easy access to junk food. I ate without minding calorie content: well, at that time I didn't know anything about calories. At seven months I had added some much weight that I hated looking at the mirror. At nine months I had added 40pounds. When my mum saw me, she screamed because the weight gain was just too much.
The mistake most people make is thinking you can eat whatever you want when pregnant. It is advisable to eat more of fruits and vegetables even though you need to watch the type of fruits you take because some fruits have more calories than others. Many of us are ignorant of this this. If you want to know more about food and calories, you can check out @caloriesfixes on Instagram. The instagram page really helped to know more about food and calories.Nobody is saying you shouldn't eat carbs but it is good when it is taken in moderate.