Signs to know if he is not that into you......

I was chatting with my friend the other day and I asked her that wats up with her boyfriend sef.Then she told me that he broke up with her via SMS,I was like are u kidding me.....that is so gross.I believe before any guy breaks up with you,you would have been seeing some signs. So how can you tell if a man is really into you?The following tips will help you decide if you are on the right track or just wasting your time with the wrong person.

JUST FRIENDS:- If you've been dating for awhile and he still introduces you as a 'friends',it maybe time to talk about the status of your relationship.

NO ANSWER:- Everyone gets busy but everyone also has a caller Id these days.If he repeatedly fails to answer his phone when you call,your timing probably isn't the only thing that is bad.

LETS GO TO YOUR PLACE:-If you've had more than few dates and you've never seen where he lives...ask yourself why???He maybe hiding something or trying to be untraceable in case things don't work out.

ALWAYS RUNNING LATE:-Anyone can get held up at work or hit heavy traffic but if he is always late for his dates with you then you are not as high on his priority list as you should be.

MEET THE PARENTS OR ANY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY:-No guy is likely to take you to meet his parents on the second date but if you've been dating for awhile and he seems to find reasons to avoid introducing you to his family,he probably already decided that you are not the one.

YOUR FRIENDS...NOT MINE:-If he shows no interest in getting to know your closest friends,it shows that he is not that interested in you,either.

FADED FUTURE:-He talks about his future plans and life he wants to create for himself ,you've been dating for awhile and your name still never comes up.Then it's time to move on.

PARTY OF ONE:-If you've been dating for awhile and he rarely invites you to join him at work functions,friends' parties and other important social events .....he's either uncomfortable being seen with you or or he's keeping his options open.

DON'T ASK....DON'T TELL:-If he seems increasingly less concerned about the things that matter to you....rarely asking questions about your job,friends and family or your feelings about the situations you encounter each day.It may be a sign that his interest in you is waning.

ONE-SIDED CONVERSATION- If you always the one who calls or texts most time then guess he is not that into you.


Ola said…
So true, no doubt.

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